x, y, z 3축 아날로그 출력 센서
//©2011 bildr
//Released under the MIT License - Please reuse change and share
//Simple code for the ADXL335, prints calculated orientation via serial
//Analog read pins
const int xPin = A3;
const int yPin = A2;
const int zPin = A1;
//The minimum and maximum values that came from
//the accelerometer while standing still
//You very well may need to change these
int minVal = 265;
int maxVal = 402;
//to hold the caculated values
double x;
double y;
double z;
void setup(){
void loop(){
//read the analog values from the accelerometer
int xRead = analogRead(xPin);
int yRead = analogRead(yPin);
int zRead = analogRead(zPin);
//convert read values to degrees -90 to 90 - Needed for atan2
int xAng = map(xRead, minVal, maxVal, -90, 90);
int yAng = map(yRead, minVal, maxVal, -90, 90);
int zAng = map(zRead, minVal, maxVal, -90, 90);
//Caculate 360deg values like so: atan2(-yAng, -zAng)
//atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians)
//We are then converting the radians to degrees
x = RAD_TO_DEG * (atan2(-yAng, -zAng) + PI);
y = RAD_TO_DEG * (atan2(-xAng, -zAng) + PI);
z = RAD_TO_DEG * (atan2(-yAng, -xAng) + PI);
//Output the caculations
Serial.print("x: ");
Serial.print(" | y: ");
Serial.print(" | z: ");
delay(1);//just here to slow down the serial output - Easier to read